Get Started With Digital Records
These downloadable Excel templates can take your herd records to the next level. Templates are fully customizable and data can be added or removed to fit your farm.
Sheets with auto-calculate columns must have data in fields marked with an * in order for calculations to work

Track daily production for individual does and use the graph function to visualize trends over time.
Use this spreadsheet to log drug use and calculate withdrawal clear dates based on milk and meat withhold times from your veterinarian. You can also log milk test results here from your on-farm antibiotic tests.
Monitor milk antibiotic test results after treating an animal and before clearing her to be milked back into the bulk tank. This spreadsheet can help to avoid antibiotic residues in salable milk and ensure milk safety. Even if an animal has cleared her withdrawal time, milk should always be tested before she is allowed to re-enter the milking herd.
Bring order to the chaos of breeding season by tracking matings with this template. Check breeding pens at least once daily and log new matings here to help verify due dates at pregnancy confirmation.
This template is designed for use during herd check to plan gestational milestones for pregnant does. Kidding date is calculated automatically when you enter how many days bred a doe is and her expected gestation length
Track production averages for the lactation, breeding date, buck used, and planned dry period length. This spreadsheet will automatically calculate the date of dry-off and expected kidding date based on the breeding date and duration of dry period information that you enter. You can also use this template for planning targeted dry-treatment.
Record birth information including doe ID, number of male and female kids, and number of stillbirths. This template can also help to organize identifying information about each kid as well as permanent identification such as tattoos or eartags.
Record time of birth, birth weight, dam, name, identification, and colostrum administration for individual animals. Cross-check this with the Kidding Record
Once kids have been born and identified, copy each individual animal's identifying information into this spreadsheet. If an animal looses an eartag, you can use this spreadsheet to document the updated ID information.
Track goat movement around the farm using this template.
Create a list of animals to leave the farm. Cross-check this list with your treatment log to ensure that animals that have received drug treatments are cleared of their withdrawals before being shipped. Complete this form before your veterinarian comes to perform their shipment inspection to facilitate creation of your Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, your veterinarian will thank you!